Archivist Job Description

What does an archivist do?

An archivist is in charge of keeping safe documents and materials for future use. They usually take care of very important items that should not deteriorate or be destroyed by any external factor. An archivist’s work often deals with preservation and security of data. They are also in charge of properly cataloging the items received to easily retrieve the items kept.

Typical work activities of an archivist

The typical day of an archivist often involves handling highly sensitive documents not only in its content but also on physical appearance. Century-old documents require careful handling and an archivist have to be familiar with the risks involved in the document. An archivist also examines the documents and materials they receive so that they can be properly tagged. Proper management of records is also a big part of their daily work especially when they receive different types of materials and data everyday.

Training and education requirements?

Impressive administration skill is a requirement for those interested in becoming an archivist. A degree related to document administration is also required for this position. A course such as Library Science is a good degree for those interested in this career. There are countries that have specific courses designed for this work or their library science course has specialization in archiving. Advanced learning is also a requirement for those interested in teaching a degree related to the career.

Where can I work as an archivist?

Large institutions such as hospitals, libraries or information agencies will require the services of an archivist. Because they receive a lot of data everyday, an archivist is essential to maintain the data stored and easily accessed. Museums would also require the services of an archivist as they are needed for proper handling of documents and materials for display.

Can I work for myself in this job?

An archivist cannot work without employment. More often than not, the documents handled by archivists are not accessible to the public for this reason; an archivist cannot work on their own or consider freelance work.

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