Showing Results 1 — 18 of 90
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I am an Postgraduate student from Tshwane University of technology, Pursuing a Bachelor of technology in Logistics and majoring in Purchasing Management, I...
I see myself as a dynamic individual that is able to contribute to a dynamic company and its environment by using my skills and knowledge gained in my...
I am a responsible, reliable and honest human being. With good sales negotiations skills. An independent employee who loves making money. I am a good listener...
Available for : free lance representative for servicing retail trade, merchandising retail stores, retail store part time work, property management, product...
My key strengths that would support my success in procurement field: Indepth knowledge of Project Procurement Process Managing the tender enquiry...
Langston Hughes once said, “hold fast to dreams; for if they die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly”.I am committed, decisive, dynamic,...
I got a strong engineering background, completed with a specialized master in purchasing (both in France). I began with an experience in an aerospace plant,...
I am looking for clients to close deals for. Companies with high value products or services and qualified leads that I can sell to and provide value to my...
I am a hard worker guided by morals. Authentic ethical leadership is my life....
34 year old married female with 3 year old daughter. Presently Practice Manager and book keeper for Cardiologist. More than 10 years experience. Knowledgeable...
CV on request...
I possess an above-average ability of innovative thinking while implementing projects or delivering on project tasks. Diversity is key to any form of success....
I am a very detailed QS ,been involved in a range of both private and public infrastructure development specializing in building for all the stages of...
Experienced Account Manager skilled in market research, advertising, art and education sectors. Offering expertise in building partnership, retaining key...
After early retirement, as a state official (Deputy Director) in 2016, in financial administration and project/process management, after 14 years, my most...
In my fifth year as a Project Manager, I have assisted various companies in the development of various databases to improve operations and eliminate redundant...
I’m a procurement specialist with good interpersonal skills. Know and understand regulations and prescripts relating to Supply Chain. Can work under pressure,...
I am an authentic and competitive individual.i have developed the skills that enables me to survive in both corporative and warehouse environment...