Chemist Job Description

What does a chemist do?

Chemists study the chemical make-up of a material which is essential in most manufacturing businesses to ensure product safety. A chemist studies the substances that make up the material and test the said substances in different settings. These settings will provide additional information if the setting has triggered a reaction to the substance. A chemist is practically a scientist that studies the chemical interaction of difference substances.

Typical work activities of a chemist?

A chemist usually works in a lab where they constantly test difference substances in a controlled environment. They observe the reaction in these substances and forward the information to a department that handles quality control. A chemist can also work as a quality control specialist as they monitor the production process to prevent any adverse chemical reaction from happening.

Training and education requirements?

A degree in chemistry and science-related education is regarded as an entry-level requirement for chemists. Most of the chemists have post graduate education where they eventual earn a doctoral degree which allows them to conduct research in behalf of the universities as well as becoming professors. There are also individuals who used their degree in mathematics as a stepping stone in becoming a chemist. Since intensive calculation should be expected in this career, a degree in math is also considered a solid educational foundation.

Training for this career can be done through internship. This is where post graduate education is useful as many professors and established chemists work with different interns for research purposes.

Where can I work as a chemist?

Chemists are primarily researchers and their research is often for educational purposes. For this reason, many chemists are employed by universities as researchers while others are employed as professors on the subject. Manufacturing companies also work with chemists as quality controllers and researchers for a better and safer version of a product. The government also hires chemists who will work in different departments for research and consultancy.

Can I work for myself in this job?

Chemists can work as consultants to different companies. They can also earn research grants from universities and non-government organizations.

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