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Nadia K.


  • Hourly rate: R950 /hr
  • Experience: 18 Years

About Nadia

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My name is Nadia Kies and I am the owner/photographer here at Just Luv Photography. My journey to becoming a photographer was a long one.  I started my career in sales and my passion for people started. I worked for a newspaper for 10years. This is where my love for photography started. I took all the photography courses they offered and then continued with independent study.  I’ve learned so much during my 10 years at the newspaper. What an incredible journey it was. I’ve grown both personally and professionally, and I attribute much of my growth to all the amazing people that I’ve had the privilege to serve over the past couple of years. I’ve learned a few life lessons during my time at the newspaper. I started with professional relationships with all my clients, but all developed into friendships over the years. I grow very fond of all of them. Over the years they all taught me that relationships with everyone you meet are precious and even more important to maintain these relationships throughout your career and life. They taught me that authentic relationships are the only things that truly matter in life. And very important, “Don’t treat others the way you want to be treated… treat others the way they want to be treated. There is a difference.” – I will always treat you as KINGS and QUEENS that you are with a smile and a healthy dose of respect. Don’t ever lose sight of your dreams. It’s so easy to get caught up in the rat race that we lose sight of the real world surrounding us. If you have a dream, get out there and get it done. Live the dream! If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t. Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. And finally: In a mirror is where we find a reflection of our appearances, but in our hearts is where we find a reflection of our true self. After the birth of my daughter, I decided to open my own studio. So here I am! I love photographing all things family.  Couples in love, maternity, births, newborns, and childhood. I love documentary style - photographing you while you’re not posed.  Chasing your toddler around or trying to soothe your new baby.  How you and your partner interact.  Just to follow you around and see how your life and daily routines go.  

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